There are times and places where phones simply do not belong. Their constant presence — buzzing, pinging, and distracting — takes away from what you’re doing, and who you’re doing it with. Yondr’s mission is simple: alleviate the intrusion of personal technology to create vital, distraction-free experiences that enrich people’s lives.
The company was founded in 2014 by Graham Dugoni against the backdrop of the tech boom in San Francisco, CA. Surrounded by millions of apps, tech conglomerates, and new smart devices encroaching on every facet of modern life, Graham conceived of a simple solution to a very complex problem. He believed that society would need protected places — something akin to National Parks –– where the human spirit could thrive and creativity and productivity could flourish in the absence of technology.
The idea for Yondr was born with the creation of a single hand-sewn pouch that Graham took door to door as he pitched Bay Area schools and music venues on the possibilities of being phone-free.
Today, Yondr is the established industry leader in helping educators, artists, families, organizations, and businesses all around the world create phone-free spaces of their own.
If you’re interested in going phone-free, we’re here to help.